This is a new race I developed for use in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, but you should also be able to use it in Pathfinder with some minor tweaking.
Behemoths are the product of an ancient form of druidic magic that warped the bodies of animals and beasts into soldier slaves. Now their druid masters are dead, and the behemoths have made lives for themselves, using their superior physical strength to fill all sorts of roles from mercenaries to bodyguards and even knights. No two behemoths look exactly alike, and any given individual combines the physical abilities of two often wildly different creatures.
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Image @Braford |
Behemoths are the product of an ancient form of druidic magic that warped the bodies of animals and beasts into soldier slaves. Now their druid masters are dead, and the behemoths have made lives for themselves, using their superior physical strength to fill all sorts of roles from mercenaries to bodyguards and even knights. No two behemoths look exactly alike, and any given individual combines the physical abilities of two often wildly different creatures.
Personality: Behemoths are loud and boisterous, with deep instincts and passions and little self control or social grace. They tend toward extremes, from wild glee to terrifying rage. All behemoths are natural athletes and love any sort of physical contest. Because of their origins, behemoths also tend to sympathize with other half-blood creatures, such as half-orcs or even half-elves. An individual behemoth might be a gruff bully, a soft-hearted giant, a savage warrior or a semi-civilized (other behemoths might say “tamed”) bestial courtier.
Physical Description: Behemoths look like a humanoid cross between two different animals. Some call them 'anthro-chimeras' for this reason. Because of their wildly variable appearance, it is almost impossible to tell at sight which behemoths are related to each other. Children look nothing like their parents. Some even have different colored eyes or exotically-colored fur. Behemoths enhance this wild appearance with decorative designs shaven into their hair or body fur, colored tattoos and artistic scars. Behemoths don't require much clothing, since their naturally furry or scaled bodies often give them an equivalent protection from the weather. Males are larger than females, with heights ranging from 6-7 feet for males and 5'9-6'9 for females. Males weigh approximately 200-250 pounds, females 190-230 lbs. All behemoths have naturally muscular frames.
Relations: Behemoths don't overtly like any particular race, though they enjoy the company of half-orcs. Any strongly magical race makes them distrustful, and they detest both constructs and undead.
Alignment: Behemoths are almost always either chaotic or neutral, since their powerful instincts make it hard for them to fully separate themselves from the ways of the wild or learn sufficient discipline to be lawful.
Behemoth Lands: Behemoth form communities deep in the wilds and never develop their own cities. Behemoth communities tend to form around behemoths who share a type of animal in common, as this makes it easier for the communities to grow and prosper. One behemoth community in the depths of a wood might favor lupine or ursine behemoths, while a coastal community favors aquatic behemoths.
Religion: Behemoths worship deities related to animals, strength, or nature.
Language: Behemoths speak Giant and Common. It is rare for a common behemoth to be literate, however. Behemoths have an oral tradition for passing on knowledge. Few behemoths bother to learn more languages beyond Common. Those who do often speak Goblin.
Names: Behemoth names often sound tribal to other races, since they are descriptive images or phrases. For example: Buckhorn, Calm-Thunder, Runnerswift, Snakeyes, Truenorth, Underwood, Valleywalker, Windbane, Yellowknife, Zebraskin
Adventurers: It is not unusual for a behemoth to go adventuring. Behemoth adventurers are born with the instinct to strike out on their own, and these often become the alphas of a new community once the behemoth matures and finds a mate.
Behemoth Racial Traits
+3 Bonus to Strength or Dexterity, +2 Bonus to Constitution or Wisdom. -3 penalty to Intelligence and Charisma. Behemoths are well known for their physical abilities, but their intense instincts make them poor social companions or intellectuals.
+4 bonus to Listen and Move Silently. Behemoths have naturally keen hearing and stealth.
Medium Size: Behemoths have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Behemoth base land speed is 30 feet.
Primal Hybrid: Behemoths are considered monstrous humanoids for all game effects which target creature types. Players choose two different creatures of the animal type (including dinosaurs or dire animals, but not vermin). Their character begins play with a combination of characteristics from the selected animals. Players are free to choose one special attack or ability of that animal. (Example: Bearheart is a dire bear/wolverine Behemoth. He receives the dire bear's Improved Grapple and the wolverine's Rage ability.
Players may also elect to acquire one natural weapon from one of the chosen animals in place of a special attack or ability, but not two. The character is considered proficient with this weapon. Attack with the natural weapon only receive bonuses from the character's ability scores and class bonuses. Damage dice dealt by a natural weapon are adjusted to that of a Medium sized creature. (Example: the dire bear's claw attacks deal 1d3+Str bonus damage, not 1d4).
Favored Class: Barbarian
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