Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Generating Names for Characters and Places

Memorable, unique names are a tool you can use to help draw your players into the game world. They help the world seem more real and make characters more vivid. But when you're running a long campaign with a lot of characters, it can be hard to come up with original names at the drop of a hat. Here are the resources I often turn to when searching for a perfect name: - A great search engine to come up with interesting names from almost any nationality, complete with a searchable database of name meanings.

Thesaurus - I use "The Synonym Finder" by J.I. Rodale. More than a simple thesaurus, it gives you some really obscure and archaic words for common adjectives. 


Other Languages - A great way to come up with an exotic sounding place is to use words or place names from other countries and languages. This works especially well if you take the original word and slightly modify it, either for easier spelling and pronunciation or to make it sound more evocative.

Paint Stores/Makeup Aisles - Think about it. Someone has to come up with new and interesting names for these thousands of shades of color. Why not borrow from some of that ingenuity and use those words to inspire you?

Formal Names Remixed - Be careful not to use the last names of people you know. Pick last names or company names more or less randomly from newspaper ads or the Internet until you come up with a handful of possibilities. Then play around with the various syllables, mixing and matching, until you come up with something you like.

Etymology - A basic understanding of word root meanings can be invaluable in coming up with truly original names for things.This is how J.R.R. Tolkien came up with the beautiful names for his characters and places. 

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